Love, Togetherness and More Love

Hi y’all

This is a special post and it comes with an update on where these two bloggers have been.

Arushi, my friend is now a journalist and it’s an exciting time her life! Congratulations to her! I’m happy to announce that a new chapter is opening in life this Fall! I’m returning to University life. You can expect to hear the details in the later half of the year.

Now on to why I actually came to write…

It’s PRIDE month! Today we come together in our different colors and unique ways to celebrate togetherness and love!

June 2016 has also been when we witnessed the Orlando massacre. And I just want to say to everyone who was affected and I mean EVERYONE who was affected by the Orlando shootings directly or indirectly, love and light, love and light and love and light to you. What was also witnessed after this tragedy was the infinite love in our world.
This world is filled with good people. People who spread joy and peace everyday in their own little ways. Like being there for a friend, taking care of your family, random acts of kindness, complimenting someone, being gentle or just simply smiling – acts of joy. And that includes you!  So thank you. Thank you for reminding me and the world that we can and and we will heal and grow. And most importantly, we will never stop spreading love.

As June comes to an end, all this RainbowGirl wants to say is keep your head up and be proud of who you are. You are loved!

From my heart to yours